# built RPMs on a raq4 (stock) using rpm --rebuild mysql-4.0.18.srpm # downloaded via http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/4.0.html # for the resulting benchmark-suite you need perl-dependencies solved! # -> those perl-things are not needed to run the server alongside the client # and use applications that use the libraries. # as usual your mileage may vary and there are no guarantees and always # make a backup of your current databases, software, etc. # I'm in no way responsible for any damages because you use this software! # and yes, of course it is provided as is. # in case of emergency you need to communicate regarding these RPMs, # please let me know: hk@kapper.net (but please do not ask for "how do I...") # or anything similar, thank you! # simply install those RPMs using the downloaded files and starting # rpm -Uvh *.rpm in your shell, you can of course be more selective ;) # afterwards you might want to move the /var/lib/mysql to eg. /home/mysql # (stop the mysql-sever before! using "/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop") # to do this simply enter "mv /var/lib/mysql /home/mysql" - now you # have to symlink this backwards: "ln -s /home/mysql /var/lib/mysql" # the sense behind this: the /var filesystem is limited in your raq, # but the home-filesystem usually has plenty of space left and mysql # stores its databasefiles in this directory. # at the end restart your mysql-server "/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start" # if this fails (or at least you can't connect using your favorite # mysql-client [you checked right after your installed the RPMs if # it worked, didn't you?] as it did before), then something went wrong. # please take discussion of this issue to the cobalt-user-lists # you can find them on http://list.cobalt.com/mailman/listinfo/cobalt-users # and http://list.cobalt.com/mailman/listinfo/cobalt-developers # after all - have fun using your (at the moment) current mysql-server. # have a nice day, harald kapper / kapper.net (hk@kapper.net) # 16.04.2004