# raidcheck perlscript explanation # releasenote for V0.50b # last-update: 2004-08-05 short howto: first install Mail::Sendmail class from CPAN do the following: bash$ perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install Mail::Sendmail --- on debian you can do "apt-get install libmail-sendmail-perl" ------- after that you're ready to go forward: cd ~ wget http://ftp2.kapper.net/pub/kapper.net/raidcheck/raidcheck.pl make it executable: chmod +x raidcheck.pl put the file where you'd like, probably somewhere useful for root, for example (as root or at least privileged user): mv raidcheck.pl /usr/local/sbin/raidcheck now preferrably as root (at least privileged enough to write to /var/log) start this once in order to read and store your current raid-status: raidcheck -r probably have yourself a look if your raid is fully operational by: cat /prod/mdstat so - you're fine, now you'd like to get notified if something breaks, at least that's what this script is finally here for :) do something like (depends on how often you'd like to check): echo "/usr/local/sbin/raidcheck -c -s sysop@example.com" > /etc/cron.hourly/raid_check chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/raid_check and finally you're done. sysop@example.com will get hourly notices if something has changed in your raid. need help, have comments or would like something else - please contact us at support@kapper.net best, kapper.net::work-force